Sophia M – Centerpiece

If there is one thing that sets Italy apart, it would be the piazza. The Sophia centerpiece was created with this typically Italian place in mind: while in the common imagination the piazza gathers the people of the town, our centerpiece welcomes the small, commonplace objects we use every day. This effect is enhanced by the scaled-down arches recreating a loggia, a structure that can be found encircling so many Italian piazzas, brought in to render this piece even more iconic.
The symmetry among the various elements brings the artistic details characteristic of architecture into this household object. At the same time, its subtle lines emphasize a minimal style accented with flashes of gold or silver. With its marriage of aesthetics, practicality and originality, this centerpiece puts a finishing touch on your home that is both elegant and eye-catching.

Technical Data

L 20cm P 20cm H 6cm
Handcrafted in:
Lead time:
4/5 weeks
Datasheet  Catalogue
Where to find:
Archiproducts  1Dibs